Utilities and Hard Landscaping

A2/M2 Connected Corridor

A small but vital project to ensure the continued success of M2 coastbound works


M2 J2-3, Kent, UK


Highways England

Main Contractor




Challenges and Solutions:

Environmental concerns caused a two week delay to the start of phase 1 comprising 10 locations between Junction 2 and 3. 9 coastbound and 1 London bound. Each location had individual logistical challenges including the removal and installation of VRS safety systems to gain access to each site or getting plant and machinery into tight locations at the top of steep batters.

blu-3 completed the installation of ducting from existing power networks to and from existing cabinets as well as the installation of new cabinets. Existing infrastructure with mass poured concrete encasing cables meant that excavating these duct runs had to be done with extreme caution while remaining mindful of the tight programme.Ten masts have been installed one at each location to support the equipment used to send messages to vehicles.

Each site was completed with new walkways to provide safe passage for installers and maintenance engineers and finally dressed with topsoil to restore the natural look of the area.

Scope of the project:

• Earthworks and excavation

• Over one mile of Ducting and five Cabinets installed

• 400m2 of external slabs and paving laid

• Ten new masts installed along the route